Gail Doby Coaching & Consulting
SPECIAL INVITATION : This page is for Interior Design Firm Leaders only

Learn the secrets behind how we generated $175M for Interior Designers in 5 years

The Pearl Collective program teaches a proven system designed by interior designers for interior designers. It is not theory, it's working in real time with thousands of clients and firms.

Who is this Program For?

Interior Design is a tough business. But it doesn't have to be. You work too hard to have this be overwhelming too.
  • If your at $500,000 or more in annual sales but can't seem to get any higher...
  • If you are overwhelmed by the pressure to be BOTH a Mother AND a business owner...
  • If you are frustrated about knowing who to hire, when to hire, and how to hire...
  • ​If you feel like sometimes you are doing it all alone...
  • ​If you feel stuck and don't know what to do next...

Then this program is for you.

Building An Interior Design Business Shouldn’t Be So Hard

When's the last time that you decided to take care of YOU in your business? I'm not talking about working long hours or finishing up another project. I mean really committing three full days without kids, spouses, or anybody else who could take over for them while they are gone--just focusing on self- evolve as a designer and build deep connections with other professionals through learning experiences. This is what our programs are all about.

Why Our Clients Stay...

"I now have specific goals (and more importantly, dreams) to grow my business -- income and profitability, adding optimism/excitement to my daily doings PLUS greater financial security to my longer-term personal life."

Interior Design Business Owner

“So often, running a business can feel lonely and overwhelming; the VIP Experience and Alliance programs have helped me discover my long- and short-term goals and given me a pragmatic plan, and genuine support, to get there. Every day, I wake up with a sense of purpose and focus. I know who my future self is, and when faced with challenges, I feel confident that I will be able to persevere. Weathering the storm feels possible because I know that on the other side is a rewarding career and financial freedom.”

Interior Design Business Owner

“I get to do what I love doing and also make a good living doing it! I feel more in control of my life and my future. I have a plan for what I need to do to retire and live the lifestyle I want to live. I feel so much more secure and happy. Getting there took a lot of commitment and hard work, but it was all worth it ”

Interior Design Business Owner

“I don’t think that there is a single aspect of my life that has not been profoundly affected by my first VIP Experience and my subsequent interactions with Gail, my Boardroom, etc. …Over the years, my coaching has encompassed these 5 key words: communication, confidence, clarity, community, collaboration.”

Lee Ann
Interior Design Business Owner

Book time with one of our senior consultants to see how they can help your interior design business scale faster

4100 Albion St. Suite 1605 Denver, CO 80216
Contact Us : +1 720 477 0378
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